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Sabrina Silvers Books

Forbidden Moon

Forbidden Moon

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Can a mating bond bridge the gap between feuding packs … or will it destroy them all?

Maya Wessex and Garrett Colvin were childhood friends until their pack rivalry tore then apart. When they meet again as adults, the mating bond roars to life, giving them a second chance at life, love, and mating.

But when a vicious attack on Maya’s pack threatens to ignite a war, not only is their mating at risk, but their lives and the lives of their pack.


Can a mating bond bridge the gap between feuding packs … or will it destroy them all?

Maya Wessex and Garrett Colvin were childhood friends until their pack rivalry tore then apart. When they meet again as adults, the mating bond roars to life, giving them a second chance at life, love, and mating.

But when a vicious attack on Maya’s pack threatens to ignite a war, not only is their mating at risk, but their lives and the lives of their pack.

Forbidden Moon is a prequel novella set in the Dirigo Pack world. It does not need to be read before the other books in the series.

Look Inside

Maya Wessex toyed with the stem of the wineglass in her left hand, while keeping her right hand free in case she needed it to protect her Luna, Lyla MacKinnon. However, her Luna was surrounded by several of the most powerful alphas in North America and her mate, Duncan MacKinnon, was next to her, so if anything happened, Maya would probably be too late or hopelessly outgunned, or outclawed in this case. There was a slightly unsettled feeling in her chest, a buzzing or something that she had never felt before prodding at her, almost like a knowing. As a wolf and an enforcer, she listened to her intuition, and it had never let her down.
Why she had been added to the team for the Luna's guard duty this time surprised her. Most of the guard team was made up of experienced enforcers assigned to the home den in Maine, while Maya was assigned to a satellite den in Massachusetts, along the Dirigo - Saranac border. She was a competent enforcer, the second in her den, but she never expected to be assigned to a prestigious duty such as this.
Her wolf was on edge, uncomfortable in the floor length, off the shoulder red gown that revealed more skin that she’d ever shown before. But she had to fit in, as her boss said, and proceeded to hand her this dress, saying she could follow their Luna into places no one else could. Like she could fight anyone in this dress unless she could rip it off in a split second. If she shifted in it, her wolf would get tangled. Not a good look for a bodyguard.
“Relax, Wessex. The chances of attack at an event like this is slim to none,” a low voice spoke next to her, and she glanced up to see her boss, Isaac Hawkins, smirking at her.
She grinned back. “My mentor once told me that those were times when it all went to shit and to be most prepared.”
He laughed at that, the sound catching the attention of a couple of wolves nearby, the wrinkles around his eyes and mouth accentuated by amusement. “Sounds like a wise male. But if anything happened, the Supreme Alpha or one of the Council Enforcers would shut it down faster than you could even move. They’re trained for that. So, enjoy the evening.”
She grunted. “Dressed like this?”
“Most females enjoy dressing like a princess. I picked that out special for you. Well, our Luna did. I wouldn’t know a ball gown from a tea dress.”
She gave him a horrified look. “There are different kinds of dresses?”
“Yet you know all kinds of weapons. I’m not sure if I should be proud or scared.”
“Proud, definitely. I can’t work in a dress,” she muttered grumpily. “Why does everyone keep staring at me? It’s weird.”
“You look beautiful in that dress. And female enforcers are relatively new to the larger pack world. Or maybe one of them is your mate. You haven’t found him among our pack, have you?”
She stared at him, suddenly suspicious of his motives. “Is that why you brought me here? To find a mate?”
It would have been easier to find her mate among her own pack, the Dirigo Pack. At least there she knew they respected female wolves and their strength, and she could keep her place as an enforcer. In another pack, she might not be so lucky. Many packs had not quite gotten with the humans and the modern times, letting their females do anything other than raise the pups and manage domestic duties. Maya didn’t know what she’d do if her mate came from one of the more traditional packs. Her mother said if the mating bond kicked in, she would be so overwhelmed by the bond, she wouldn’t care, but Maya didn’t agree. Her independence was too important to her.
Isaac shook his head. “No, we thought the experience would be good for you. And we needed a second female to be with our Luna and support Tanya in guard duties, with Bridget in her last months of pregnancy.”
Maya sipped her wine, mollified by the explanation. She scanned the crowd, the unsettled feeling that had been buzzing in her chest intensifying, as if something or someone drew near. But what?
Isaac laid a hand on her bare shoulder, the calluses from years of age and work rough on her skin. “Try to enjoy yourself. Meet wolves from other packs. That’s what this is about. Making contacts and connections. And you never know. You might meet your mate.”
She shook her head. “No thanks, Isaac. I’m happy as I am.”
He smiled a little sadly. “You say that now, but my mate made me the happiest male, more than I ever thought possible. She completed me in a way I never believed possible. Give it a chance, Maya. Your mate, if he’s a true bond mate, will fit you perfectly and give you what you need. Now, our Alpha is calling me.”
He ambled over to their Alpha and joined the conversation, leaving Maya to think about his words. She had spent time across the pack lands with many different wolves and never found a single male that triggered anything resembling the bliss of the mate bond as Isaac or her parents ever described. She’d spent time with those wolves and a few humans. A female had needs after all, but none of them made her want to stay for longer than a few nights.
Only one wolf ever made her think of anything long term. But that was impossible. They hadn’t even been old enough to shift. She hadn’t seen him in years. She didn’t even know where he was. He wasn’t even Dirigo. For all she knew, he had mated and had several pups running around. It was possible she would never find a mate. Strong females sometimes didn’t, but could find a male they loved. In that case, they could create a witch bond that mimicked the mating bond, and have children. Now that she’d settled into her role as Isaac’s second, maybe she should consider that.
“Maya? Is that you?”
The feeling in her chest exploded like fireworks. Maybe Isaac was right.

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